Bad Ischl (engl.)

With and without an Emperor

AutorIn: Christian Rapp; Nadia Rapp-Wimberger

Verlag: Kral

Erscheinungsjahr: 2024

Zusatzinformationen: 208 Seiten; Zahlreiche Abbildungen; 30 cm x 24 cm

Sprache: English

ISBN: 978-3-99103-220-5

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in den Warenkorb
Salt once marked the history of Ischl; later on, it was the bourgeoisie loyal to the Emperor that chose Ischl as its favourite summer residence. With Franz Joseph's reign, and for some weeks a year, Bad Ischl became the centre of the Danube Monarchy.Much more is still to be discovered as to what characterises Bad Ischl today - customs and popular culture, post-war architecture, park designs displayed at regional horticultural shows and, of course, the diversity of nature with continues to cast a magnetic spell on this region.The chequered panorama of a town worth exploring even without an Emperor.